We welcome visits by tourist groups and individual travellers

Guided Tours

You can arrange group or individual tours by prior arrangement through the office of the German Protestant Institute of Archaeology in Jerusalem.

Register by phone: 00972 - 2 - 58 79 817
Registration by e-mail: sekretariat@deiahl.de
(subject: archaeological park)

Single Tickets:
Entrance museum/excavation/church/tower per person without a guided tour15 NIS / 3 €
Monday - Saturday 10 am / 2 pm guided tours (30 minutes) per person40 NIS / 8 €

group prices:
(include tickets, 45 - 60 minutes guided tour)
group of 15 people500 NIS / 100 €
group of 30 people750 NIS / 150 €
group with more then 30 people (maybe you will need two guides)1000 NIS / 200 €

Groups with their own tourguides just have to pay for the 15 NIS ticket per person

Partner und Sponsoren